Sharp Chest Pain


 In case, you are experiencing acute, crushing , sharp pain or pressure in your chest that lasts more than a few minutes or in case the pain radiates to jaw, left arm or neck call 911 immediately.

Acute or sharp chest pain is one of the most upsetting symptoms a person can have. It is sometimes hard even for the doctor or medical professional to explain what is causing acute chest pain and whether it is life-threatening or not.

Any part of the chest can be the cause of intense pain including the lungs, heart, skin, muscles and bones.

The stomach or other organs in the gut (like abdomen) can trigger acute chest pain

Because of the intricate nerve distribution in the body, chest pain may actually develop from another part of body than chest.

Potential causes of acute chest pain 

  • Angina – Angina can cause chronic sharp pains in the chest. Angina occurs when plaque builds up on the walls of arteries, making it grueling for the heart to pump blood effectively. This can lead to sharp, stabbing pains in the chest after physical activity, as the heart is experiencing trouble beating at this increased level.
  • Heart trouble – In many instances, acute pain in the chest is related to heart trouble. This can be triggered by pericarditis, a conditions that causes inflammation of sac that surrounds the heart. In majority cases this is stimulated by viral infections in the chest and is usually short-lived. Additionally, chest pain can be stimulated by n aortic dissection, which is when the inner layers of aorta splits. This will result in blood being trapped between the 2-layers and can burst the aorta.
  • Esophagus damage – If you may be able to notice that the sharp chest pain tends to occur whenever you swallow then it may be caused by damage to the esophagus. Chest pain caused by esophageal disorders can be an alarming symptom since it usually mimics chest pain from a heart attack. Acid reflux disease (Heartburn, Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD) develops when acidic digestive juices flow backward from the stomach into the esophagus, and the resulting heartburn is felt as chest pain.
  • Acute Myocardial Infarction (heart attack) – An acute pain in the chest can be caused by heart attack, or a clot that is obstructing the blood flow to the heart. The pain feels more like tightness in the chest that can persist to spread via the back and arms as it turns more severe. This pain will usually occur suddenly and can be accompanied by dizziness, sudden weakness or nausea.
  • Costochondritis – You can be suffering from Costochondritis, a condition that causes inflammation of cartilage in the ribs. When you inhale air or participate in any physical activity this condition can lead to severe chest pain. Shingles can also cause severe pains in the chest as the blisters start to develop on the chest wall.
  • Lung disorder – Lung disorder can cause can cause stabbing pain in the chest. This can be caused by pleurisy, a condition that causes inflammation of lungs. You will most likely perceive this pain while coughing or sneezing. This may result in pulmonary hypertension that causes the arteries liable for carrying blood to the lungs developing high BP. Likewise, pulmonary embolism, a blood clot in one of the major blood vessels bringing blood to the lungs can cause sharp, stabbing pain in the chest. Moreover in serious cases, a collapsed lung can be the cause of acute chest pain.  This state occurs when air invades the saclike space between the lung tissue and chest wall.
  • Cocaine-induced chest pain – Cocaine causes blood vessels to constrict, and this in turn can alleviate blood flow to the heart, causing acute chest pain. Cocaine also hastens the progression of atherosclerosis – a major risk factor for heart attack.

Diagnosis of Sharp Pain in Chest

  • Blood tests
  • Chest X-ray
  • Serial ECG
  • Second-line diagnosis including angiography, myocardial perfusion scan, lung ventilation/ perfusion scan, echocardiology, exercise testing and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

Dealing with Sharp Stabbing Chest Pain

Following are a few helpful methods to deal with acute chest pain, involving both home care and medical treatments:

Heath examination – Since many causes of severe chest pain are grave medical situations, it is vital to have your condition checked by a physician. In case you are obese, suffer from high cholesterol, diabetes, use illegal drugs like cocaine, smoke or your family history of heart disorder it is vital to see your doctor to ascertain the real cause of your disturbing condition.

Home treatments – Once your physician have diagnosed the cause of your chest pain there are several home treatments you can use along with the medication prescribed by the doctor to help soothe your discomfort. Your physician may recommend changes in your diet and exercises that will indeed help your body back into healthy working order.

Sharp chest pain can be extremely afflictive. In case, you are experiencing intense pain in the chest, it is necessary to assess the cause and avail the entailed medical attention right away along with other measures that may help you nullify the distress.

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